Saturday, May 25, 2013

Haley's birth - Wednesday May 15th - Monday May 20th

We have had a hard time keeping everyone informed with how our sweet little girl is doing. We talked about it and thought a blog would be a good way to keep everyone updated. Sorry it's taken me so long to get it going, we have been a little busy. ;) 

I will just start from the beginning....

Well we had nothing ready. We thought we should at least get the car seat in the van. Noah was already being a big helper. :) 

We went into the hospital Wednesday May 15th around 4pm. Noah plays with this hair as a comfort when he's tired or nervous. As you can see he's not so sure about us leaving for the hospital. I'm so thankful that we have such wonderful friends (Haila's) that could watch him so I knew he was in good hands. 


Wednesday, May 15th

Our sweet little Haley Mae decided to join us early at 37 weeks on May 15th at 10:02pm. She was 5 lbs 12 1/2 oz and 19 1/4 inches. She had her umbilical wrapped around her neck and she wasn't breathing when she was born. The nurses quickly got the cord off of her and sucked a lot of fluid from her lungs. After she was breathing she was very grunty (as the nurses said) which means she was working very hard to breath. 

They put her on oxygen and took her to the NICU to keep an eye on her and make sure there was on infection and that everything was okay. 

I was able to hold her for just a little bit before she left, which was wonderful. 
I had developed a hematoma (blood clot) at some point durning delievery and had to have surgery a few hours after delivery. They were so wonderful and wheeled my whole bed into Haley's room after my surgery so I could see her. Seth had stayed (slept) in Haley's room with her during my surgery. 

Thursday, May 16th

I wasn't able to go and see Haley until I was stable. I had to be able to get up out of bed and have the strength to be in a wheel chair and get from maternity over to the NICU. I did get to go and see her Thursday afternoon. It was SO good to be with her!

I was so excited to see Noah. He wasn't to sure about things at first. He got comfortable quickly. He enjoyed eating with me. This is his "happy"face. :) 

Noah got to meet Haley later that day. He thought riding in the wheelchair was pretty cool! 

Grandpa and Grandma Malmberg were able to meet Haley on Thursday. 

Rachel was able to come meet Haley later that night. 

Friday, May 17th

Haley was able to get off of her oxygen Friday. Which we were super encouraged by.

Her jaundice level had gone up. That's when she was put under the light for phototherapy.

Grandpa, Grandma Ahrens and Auntie Ariel met Haley on Friday morning. 

We were able to have a little family date night with just the three of us on Friday night with dinner and a show.

Uncle John and Auntie Ann were able to meet Haley Friday night. Ann was a doll and stay the night with me so that Seth could go home and get some real sleep.

Saturday, May 18th

I was discharged from my room on Saturday night and went straight over to Haley's room to stay with her. That night around 2am her color wasn't looking good, they put her back on the oxygen as her oxygen level was low.  
Snuggle time with Daddy

LOVE them all so much! 

Sunday, May 19th

Melissa came to meet Haley Sunday morning. While she was here we had a little scare as Miss Haley decided to hold her breath for awhile. The nurse came in quickly and got her breathing right back by adjusting her. 

We had some bad weather Sunday night and ended up having a tornado warning. They made us close all of the curtains and put blankets over Haley's bed. She got to hang out in her own little tent. 

Noah and Charlotte has SO much fun playing together in the waiting room! :) 

Monday, May 20th

Haley had a busy day today. She had two ultra sounds, and a MRI. One of her ultra sounds was on her head. They had found a little spot on her brain that indicated that she had had a stroke. We later found out because of her stroke she had hemorrhages on her eyes. Praise the Lord they aren't are the part of her eye that she sees with. They will look at her eyes again in a week to make sure they are going away. 

The other ultra sound was on her neck and it showed that she has some soft tissue. Which is putting weight on her air way and making it hard for her to breath. Her mussels aren't strong enough to keep her air way opened on her own. They have her on oxygen flow. Which means they are blowing air to keep her air way opened.

Noah just loves Haley.

Haley is already a lot like Noah....
We have got off of dairy because Haley is having SO many of the same signs that Noah did. She also plays with her hair just like Noah does! ;) 

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! I love seeing all those adorable pictures! We love you, sweet Haley Mae!
